Category: Interests

Top 10 Reasons to Start a Garden Right Now
The planting and raising of food have been around for as long as people have been in communities together. In fact, many experts believe that

The Weber Smokefire Grill – Smoke Your Food on a Weber!
For the die-hard Weber fans among us, making pellet bombs in our gas grill was a hacky way to get the smokey flavor you wanted

Defeating Crabgrass
In the effort to have a healthy lawn, crabgrass can be a tough opponent. This weed gets its name from the way that it sprawls

Jonathan Green – The Next Step in Lawncare
It’s not often we highlight an entire brand as a part of our product spotlight, but this spring we’re excited to share with you the

Raising Chicks in your Backyard
After many years of eating fresh eggs from chickens raised at home, I’m probably spoiled and take them for granted. My friends and family rave

The Top 5 Reasons Why PROS Choose Trex!
In the world of decking, no company has taken over quite like Trex has. Founded in 1996, it quickly became an industry leader and staple

Lasers on the Job Site – A Contractor’s Best Friend
When you’re on the job site, you probably have certain ways that things are always done. Certain materials get stacked in a certain order, some

Smart Home Hub – Everything You Need to Know About Smart Products!
A Smart home is more than just a group of products that work on your phone; it’s a network of devices working together for one

How to Smoke a Turkey for Thanksgiving
We all know that Big Green Egg is one of the most versatile grills available, but have you thought about smoking your family’s Thanksgiving turkey

Product Spotlight – Ring Floodlight Cam
Take 1 part motion sensor, 1 part floodlight, 1 part security camera, 1 part walkie talkie, put all these together and what do you get?