
What Kind of Circuit Breakers Do You Need?

what kind of circuit board do you need koopman blog

There are different kinds of circuit breakers and electric receptacles out there, and much of it can be confusing to interpret as a consumer. GFCIs, AFCIs, TRs, and WRs are all electrical terms and can look like we’ve just hit random buttons on the keyboard. However,according to a professional electrician  they are important terms to […]

Project Book: How to Replace a Sink Drain Trap

For those who are new to the world of plumbing, the word “drain trap” — also known as a p-trap or plumbing trap — may sound like a strange term. Despite the odd name, it’s one of the hardest working pieces of the drainage system under your sink. There are drain traps on your toilet and bathtub as well, but we’ll cover […]

AdvanTech – Common Subfloor Mistakes

Squeaky, spongy, or uneven floors often have one thing in common: a subfloor problem. These flooring mistakes are not always attributed to the subfloor, but in many cases, that’s where they originate. Subflooring is vital in holding the floor up and providing a solid foundation to anything (or anyone) that will be one that floor. […]

Occidental Leather – 5 Reasons to Upgrade Your Work Wearables

As a contractor, you probably don’t go many places on a site without your tool belt. Its accessibility saves you a ton of time, and ultimately money. Anyone who has spent much time with a tool belt knows some are better than others. The bad ones fall apart soon after you get them, and others […]

Product Spotlight – BlueLinx

Here at Koopman Lumber, we take pride in bringing you the best of the best, so today we want to take a look at a fantastic company; BlueLinx! Bluelinx is a building supplies distributing company based out of Atlanta, Georgia that specializes in plywood, lumber, strand board, and other wood products used for structural support. Cerberus […]

Product Spotlight – Yeti Coolers and Drinkware

Yeti product spotlight

Everyone needs to have a fair balance between work and play. When you are at work, you’re breaking your back to do the best job possible, and when you’re relaxing by yourself or with loved ones, you want to be as comfortable as you can. Yeti has products that are perfect for both. With their coolers and […]

This Brilliant Hack Makes DIY Concrete Countertops SO Easy!

Concrete countertops are becoming more and more popular due to their strength and distinct look. While the idea of a DIY concrete countertop might be daunting, it has never been easier! In fact, creating your own countertop is easy to do, and cheaper than hiring someone to make it for you! There is one trick […]

Never Nail Another Rafter Tie Again

Setting up trusses or rafters is necessary for most framing endeavors. However, the current process of installing hurricane ties into each rafter and top plate is time-consuming and tiresome. You have to get up on a ladder, hold the hurricane tie in place, and nail a handful of nails in one by one. There has to […]

Hanging Plants – The Perfect Mother’s Day Gift

hanging plants the perfect mothers day gift koopman lumber

Color and Life Hanging flowers are so popular because they’re a quick and easy way to make a stunning impression with amazing colors of live plants. Hanging plants are functionally aesthetic. They exist to be beautiful and to brighten up an area, and to that end, they are almost always bright and beautiful colors. So […]

Avoid These Common Ice Melt Mistakes!

common ice melt mistakes koopman lumber

When summer turns to Fall and Fall to Winter, there is one thing that you can be guaranteed to see; Ice. Ice is the bane of us all when we leave our houses in the morning, or arrive back after the sun has set. Slipping and falling is not only painful, but it also presents a […]

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