Category: Interests

Winter Horse Care
Every day we scoop a grain ration into our horse’s feed bucket and as long as he seems happy and in good weight we will

How to Choose the Right Bird Feeder
Season after season, all year ’round, wild birds don’t disappoint. They bring color, movement, and song to our property and ask for very little in

Using Chalkboard or Whiteboard Paint
Have you ever had an idea come to you and nothing to write it down with? Do your kids, no matter how much you tell

“The New Neutral”
The new color pallete from Benjamin Moore Winter is here in full swing in New England! While short days and long nights limit outdoor activities, winter

Tulip and Bulb Planting
A Great Holiday Tradition. With November drawing to an end, it’s not too late to get out there and plant bulbs for next spring! In

How to Deep Fry a Turkey
There’s a chill in the air here in New England, and that means Thanksgiving is on the horizon. What if I told you the best