
Product Spotlight – Sylvania Smart Bulbs

For years TV and cinema have been depicting the “near future” as a voice-activated utopia. You walk into your house, order dinner at your fridge, tell the TV to turn on and the lights to dim. Then you kick off your shoes and they are quickly replaced by slippers brought to you by an autonomous helper while you kick back and watch the game.

We’re not quite there yet, but we certainly have come a long way from having to do such menial tasks as lock our doors and turn on our lights! With the Smart Home revolution that’s sweeping the world, all these little things are taken care of automatically or with a single command by our software-driven friends.

Sylvania Smart Bulbs are another step in the right direction of Smart Home technology. The problem being solved here is obviously far greater than eliminating the need to get up and flip a switch; it solves the human element of the equation while lending some very nice aesthetic options AND providing energy savings. How? Read on to find out!

What Makes a “Smart” Bulb?

sylvania smart bulbs living room set

Calling these lights “Smart Bulbs” simply means that they are capable of remote control and integrating with an outside system. In this case, the Sylvania Smart Bulb connects to your phone through standalone apps and through Siri. This also means that it will work with your Apple Homekit, allowing you to control your lights with a single voice command.

Benefits of a Smart Bulb

sylvania smartbulbs breakfast in bed

Smart Lighting isn’t just some fringe tech craze, it has some tangible real-world benefits that almost any consumer can enjoy. Besides being controlled by your phone and voice, you can also set schedules for your lights, meaning you’ll never forget to turn a light off again.  This can save you tons of money in lost and wasted energy every year. With every bulb being independently dimmable, you know that you’re never wasting light and therefore never wasting money to brighten up your home.

Beyond those (extremely) practical benefits, the Sylvania Smart Bulbs also look great. Not just the bulbs themselves, but the light they can give off. A lot of the Sylvania line are RGB LEDs, giving you complete color control over your home. You want to bathe your home in a low incandescent glow? There’s a setting for that. Maybe you like a brighter light during the day, mimicking sunlight. There’s a setting for that. There’s even a setting for purple, green, red, and everything in between!

Setup and Integrations

sylvania smartbulbs in the kitchen

Setting up the Sylvania bulbs is easy. With their new 2017 models, there is no “hub” app needed – it integrates with your Apple Homekit, SmartThings, Logitec, Wink, or Iris ecosystems automatically. Each bulb comes with a quick instructional packet to get it connected to your system, and then you’re in!

Wrap Up

Sylvania Smart Bulbs are pretty awesome and manage to solve pain points that otherwise plague any homeowner. Give them a try; you’ll be glad you did!

If you have any questions about these bulbs or want to learn how to get one for yourself, reach out to us over at koopmanlumber.com. Thanks for reading!

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Product Spotlight – Sylvania Smart Bulbs

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