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It’s inevitable that your precious carpets will one day get a stain. All it takes is a split second for a drink to …

Brace yourself, chilly fall days are coming, and they’ll soon have you dusting off the thermostat and preparing the heater. Before the …

The cold doesn’t have to stop your garden! The winter months can be a bit boring for those who maintain a garden, …

Even though we enjoyed a lovely summer here in New England, we have not forgotten the wallop that 2014-2015 winter packed. Each …

The invention of the washer and dryer brought a never before seen level of convenience to the home. The biggest safety concern …

Generators need routine maintenance even if (rather, especially if) they’re left unused for long stretches of time. This way they operate at their …

You probably have noticed that mornings are getting chillier and the days are growing shorter.  The leaves on the trees have begun …

There are an estimated 3.7 million home breaks-in each year in the United States. This staggering statistic this clearly demonstrates the need …

Roofs do more work than we give them credit for. It’s up there every day keeping your protected from the elements. According …

This growing season, you gave your herb garden much of your time and loving attention. You have delighted in their curb appeal and …

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