Product Spotlight – Jonathan Green

It’s not often we highlight an entire brand as a part of our product spotlight, but this spring we’re excited to share with you the next step in lawn care with Jonathan Green. The Next Step is just that, it’s a cut above your current lawn care and designed to bring your lawn, and your soil, to that next step.

The Jonathan Green seeding program is a 4-step cycle that covers your lawn from Spring to Autumn, supplying your grass and your soil all the nutrients it needs to produce the best-looking lawn in the neighborhood.

Why Lawn AND Soil?

It might be weird to hear so much emphasis on soil, surely having good soil is a no-brainer, right? Well, this isn’t always the case. Other lawn companies have a tendency to either outright ignore or severely undervalue soil health when mixing their fertilizers and other lawn products. Jonathan Green tackles the issues at the roots, starting with healthy soil and ending with a lush, green lawn.

All application information is taken directions from

Early Spring

Early spring is the time for Crabgrass Preventer Plus Greenup. This fertilizer feeds the lawn during the spring growing season and prevents crabgrass from popping up and taking your lawn’s much-needed resources.

This product contains an advanced herbicide known as Dimension® that provides postemergence control, meaning it will kill existing weeds, such as crabgrass, even after they germinate. Postemergence control is limited to crabgrass and is effective for up to four weeks post-germination. It will only kill the plant up to the 3-leaf stage of growth; a fully mature crabgrass plant has 7-leaves.

When to Apply:

  • Apply in the spring prior to germination of crabgrass and other grassy weeds.
  • Best time to apply is from late February through mid-May depending on region.
  • Spread this product a day or two after mowing and when the lawn is dry.
  • Do not apply when seeding or under newly laid sod.


  • Use a rotary or drop lawn spreader.
  • Check that the spreader opening at the bottom of the hopper is closed.
  • To select the proper spreader setting see the Spreader Settings section in the accordion below.
  • Push the lever forward only when ready to spread.
  • Apply fertilizer around the perimeter of the lawn to establish a turning area. Then run the spreader back and forth within the area outlined by your first perimeter application. Always allow an overlap to avoid gaps in coverage.


  • Sweep any excess granules off of hard surfaces and back onto the lawn.
  • Thoroughly irrigate the treated area after application for best results. About 1 ½ inches of water per week is sufficient between rainfall and irrigation, but not to the point of run-off.
  • Once watered, wait a day to mow the lawn allowing the product time to activate.

Late Spring

Late spring is the time to stick it to those broadleaf weeds. Dandelions, chickweed, clover, and oxalis stand no chance against the power of Jonathan Green Weed & Feed. Be sure to apply it to a wet lawn. Think, early in the morning when the morning dew still sits on your lawn. Make sure you don’t water your lawn for the next 48 hours afterward for maximum effect!

When to Apply:

  • Apply when dandelions, clover and other broadleaf weeds first appear in spring, summer or early fall. Do not apply when temperatures are over 85° Fahrenheit.
  • Spread in the morning while there’s still dew on the lawn, or after a light rain shower.
    Only apply to lawns that have not been mowed for at least 48 hours. The particles need to cling to the leaves of the weeds for the herbicide to work.
  • Do not apply when seeding or under newly laid sod.


  • Use a rotary or drop lawn spreader.
  • Check to make sure the spreader opening at the bottom of the hopper is closed.
  • To select the proper spreader setting see the Spreader Settings Section in the accordion below.
  • Push the lever forward only when ready to spread.
  • Apply fertilizer around the perimeter of the lawn to establish a turning area. Then run the spreader back and forth within the area outlined by your first perimeter application.
  • Always allow an overlap to avoid gaps in coverage.
  • Do not reseed the lawn for at least 2 weeks after application.

Post Application:

  • To avoid staining, sweep any excess fertilizer granules off of hard surfaces and back onto the lawn.
  • Do not mow the lawn for at least 72 hours after application to allow the weed control time to be absorbed.
  • Start irrigating the lawn 72 hours after application.


Your soil is a veritable biome of microbial life. These microbes can help to break down the “idle” nutrients in the soil, releasing them for the roots of your lawn to absorb and grow. Apply “Mag-I-Cal Plus” to help with these microbial releases and strengthen the roots of your grass before the weather starts turning cold.

When to Apply:

  • Best applied mid-summer (Jul-Aug).
  • Safe to apply when seeding or sodding.
  • Spread the product on a dry lawn soon after mowing.


  • For best results, rake the lawn vigorously prior to application.
  • Use a rotary or drop lawn spreader. To select the proper setting see the Spreader Settings section in the accordion below.
  • Apply around the perimeter of the lawn to establish a turning area. Then run the spreader back and forth within the area outlined by your first perimeter application. Always allow an overlap to avoid gaps in coverage.


  • To avoid staining, sweep any excess granules off of hard surfaces and back onto the lawn.
  • Irrigate the treated area after application for 15-30 minutes for best results.
  • Once watered, wait a day to mow the lawn to give the product time to activate.
  • For soils with pH lower than 6, repeat applications twice a year.


Now is the time to prep your lawn for the brutal winter months. Apply Winter Survival Fall Fertilizer and help strengthen the roots with the nutrients your lawn needs to be ready for robust spring growth.

If you’re seeding in the fall, apply Winter Survival immediately after applying the grass seed.

When to Apply:

  • Spread this product a day or two after mowing and when the lawn is dry.
  • Apply the same day as seeding or sodding.
  • The best time to apply is late fall.
  • For damaged lawns apply in early fall then again 6 weeks later, for a thicker, greener lawn.


  • Use a rotary or drop lawn spreader.
  • Check that the spreader opening at the bottom of the hopper is closed.
  • To select the proper spreader setting see the Spreader Settings section in the accordion below.
  • Push the lever forward only when ready to spread.
  • Apply fertilizer around the perimeter of the lawn to establish a turning area. Then run the spreader back and forth within the area outlined by your first perimeter application. Always allow overlap to avoid gaps in coverage.


  • To avoid staining, sweep any excess fertilizer granules off of hard surfaces and back onto the lawn.
  • Irrigate the treated area after application for best results. About 1 ½ inches of water per week is sufficient between rainfall and irrigation but not to the point of run-off.
  • Once watered wait a day to mow the lawn, allowing the product time to activate.

Wrap Up

We love Jonathan Green here at Koopman Lumber, and we’re extending our love to you! Make sure you check out our current sales and information for the Jonathan Green Next Step program at Koopman Lumber by clicking the link! Thanks for reading!

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Product Spotlight – Jonathan Green

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