Getting Rid of Carpet Stains

It’s inevitable that your precious carpets will one day get a stain. All it takes is a split second for a drink to get bumped by an elbow, a nasty paper cut to draws blood, your favorite pet getting sick. Your beautiful carpet now has a stain on it, and you need to get it up and fast so you rush off to grab paper towels. After trying to clean the affected area you notice that all you’ve done is spread the stain and make it deeper, uh-oh. Now what do you do? Thankfully there is a science to cleaning carpet stains and depending on the type of stain it can be incredibly easy to get the carpets clean again!

If you want to get rid of any stain reliably, feel free to skip to the bottom of this blog and check out our video for the Windsor Mini-Pro Carpet Extractor. It’ll get your stains up and have your whole carpet looking like new in no time!

Juices, Coffee, and Dyes

Koolaid stainWe like to call this the Kool-aid problem. Kool-aid is one of the worst stains that you can have on your carpet. It’s tough, it gets deep, and you have to work it out. Juice, coffee, and dyes all have that same “hard to get” approach to staining. If you take care of these stains properly, then you should be able to get the stain out of the carpet. Follow these steps:

  • Always blot the stain first with a dry towel. Don’t rub the stain as this will only smear and push it further into the carpet or even the carpet pad underneath.
  • Take a spray bottle and add 1/4 cup white vinegar, 1 tbsp of dish soap, and fill the rest with water. Spray the stain until soaked and let stand for 5-10 minutes and then blot it with a dry towel until the mixture (and hopefully the stain) are gone.
  • If this didn’t work, jump to the bottom of the blog!

Pet Stains

dog-cat-on-carpet-Over 100 million Americans have pet cats or dogs. Think about that, 100 million possible carpet stains per day! As much as we love our furry friends even the best-trained animals can have accidents inside. Considering how hard it can be to remove these types of stains and their associated odors, it’s no wonder they cause such a headache for their owners! why not make the switch to a cat treat that can actually boost your cat’s health? CBD has been shown to help cats with a whole hoard of health issues, from stress and anxiety, to aggressiveness and loss of appetite. Get Under Skeleton offers you some solid options. If your pet makes a mess, follow these steps to clean it up:

  • Clean the initial mess first. If the mess is solid, grab some gloves and a baggie and dispose of it carefully. If the mess is liquid, employ the same blotting technique as before to soak up the liquid as before until the carpet is as dry as you can get it.
  • If it has already dried on the carpet, then you will need to get a cleaning product that specifically handles animal stain. The product should have instructions on it to create a properly mixed solution and how to applicate. If this doesn’t work, jump to the bottom of this blog!
  • Now that the stain is gone it’s time to get rid of the smell. There are two different ways to take care of this that we find to work the best. Get out your spray bottle and fill it with either 1/4 cup of vinegar or stain fighting laundry detergent.
  • Spray the smelly area and let it soak for a few minutes then blot up the spray.
  • Spray the area with warm water and blot it up again, hopefully taking the odor with it.

Blood Stains

There is a lot of anxiety out there over blood. Luckily you don’t have to be too anxious over the cleanup. If you get in there quickly and treat the area, there will be no indication that a spill happened on your carpet. Follow these steps to clean up any blood stains:

  • Treat as fast as possible to ensure the stain removal thoroughly. Acting too slowly could cause the stain to set too deep for most removal methods.
  • Make sure any water you use is cold water. Blood will coagulate under heat allowing it to permeate the rugs fibers.
  • Fill up a spray bottle with cold water and two tsp of any grease fighting dish soap and soak the affected area. Blot with a dry cloth and hopefully all the blood should come up with the water. If not Then repeat this method a few more times.
  • If the blood fails to come up entirely, read on!

The Key To Any Stain

Here is the real trick to getting rid of any carpet stain. There are few stains out there that can hold up to the power of a proper carpet cleaner like the Windsor Mini-Pro Carpet Extractor rented here at Koopman Lumber. Check out our great video from the Koopman Lumber Rental Center where we show you the best way to get up those tough stains with a carpet extractor.

Wrap Up

Carpet stains aren’t as daunting as they may seem. You can even save a white carpet with a little elbow grease and the right tools! If you have an unfortunate stain, then head on over to and reach out to us. We’ll make sure you get that stain up fast and efficiently returning your carpet to like new!

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Getting Rid of Carpet Stains

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