Fight Lawn Fungus Now!!

From dead-looking brown patches to highly visible spots, threads, rings, or slimes, fungal lawn diseases come in a variety of forms. Even though your lawn is naturally full of all kinds of fungi and spores, the wrong conditions (such as over-watering) can cause harmful fungus to break out in a dangerous disease.

Given that we recently had nearly an entire week of damp and rainy weather, now is the time to apply lawn fungus control to your yard. The Jonathan Green® Lawn Fungus Control that Koopman carries is the ideal solution to this problem. This fungal control a systemic fungicide, meaning that it gets absorbed into the plant tissue of the fungus. This absorption enables it to be both a cure for a fungus that is currently infecting your lawn as well as a preventative measure against further outbreaks. It controls more than 20 lawn diseases including Summer Patch, Fusarium Blight, Dollar Spot, Copper Spot, Red Thread, Rust, Striped Smut and Pink Snow Mold.

To learn more about this terrific product, check out this video:

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Fight Lawn Fungus Now!!

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